maandag 14 september 2015

Belgian Boulder Cup 2015

The Belgian Boulder cup is a circuit of 3 competitions where the 2 best results are accountable for the final ranking and to determine who can go to the Belgian Championship Boulder 2015.
Every competition there will be a qualification round and a final round. 

The qualification consists of 12 boulders for which each climber has a maximum of 5 attempts (IFSC-rules).
Each climber is free to decide when he tries which boulder but all attempts must be done within the climbing time.
The 6 climbers with the best results will go to the finals.

All climbers will go into isolation before the finals and will have an observation time of 2 minutes per boulder.
Each climber will be given an unlimited amount of attempts in 3 boulders within a climbing time of 4 minutes per boulder.
A ranking will be made according to (in order of importance): #tops, # attempts for reaching top, # bonus holds, # attempts for reaching bonus hold.
The highest ranked climber wins the competition.

10th october 2015: Belgian Boulder Cup 1 @ Sint Niklaas (
24th october 2015: Belgian Boulder Cup 2 @ Gent (
28th november 2015: Belgian Boulder Cup 3 @ Jambes 

13.30 tot 14.15       Aanmelden klimmers
14.20                      Briefing
14.30                      Start kwalificatieronde
19.45                      Observatie boulders
20.00                      Aanvang van de finales

13.30 à 14.15        Enregistrement grimpeurs
14.20                     Briefing
14.30                     Début qualification
19.45                     Lecture des blocs

20.00                     Début des finales

For the official rules and registration, please go to 

Youth Boulder Cup 2015

The Youth Boulder cup is a circuit of 3 national competitions where the 2 best results are accountable for the final ranking.

For every competition there will be 40 boulders. Each of these routes has 1000 points. These points are split amongst all climbers that topped out the route within a given time. For each route there is an unlimited amount of attempts. The climber with the most points wins the competition.

17th october 2015:  Youth Boulder Cup 1 @ Arlon (

14th november 2015: Youth Boulder Cup 2 @ Hoboken (

21th november 2015:  Youth Boulder Cup 3 @ Louvain-la-neuve (

8.30 tot 9.15         Aanmelden
9.20                      Briefing

9.30                      Start competitie
13.30                    Einde competitie

8.30 tot 9.15         Enregistrement
9.20                      Briefing

9.30                      Début competition
13.30                    Fin competition

For the official rules and registration, please go to